Wouldn't you know it? I survived cross country camp! It was interesting to say the least, and definitely had some great times with the team and with running. Coach mentioned to me how he was proud of me for how much stronger I've gotten, which means a LOT to me becuase I've been struggling pretty hard to keep up with our top runners. I love running so much but I really have to work at it to make up for the natural talent I don't really have (yet...).
But contrary to popular belief we don't really run the whole day, and we're really left with a lot of time to fill up at this campsite. Sometimes that means taking a nap, going swimming, or playing card games, but alot of the time we're just bored and we hang out under the shelter. Well one of our guys was taking a nap and someone started drawing stuff on his back (with his permission), I watched for a little bit before I suggested drawing wings on his back. He was all for it and I had nothing better to do so I took a black pen and drew a pair of arc angel wings for him, he was really happy and I loved they way they look too. Pretty soon I was drawing all kinds of wings on our guys: bone wings, dragon wings, flame wings, demons wings, even butterfly wings. The part I thought was most beautiful about them was that they really seemed to reflect a part of their personality. My favorite was the angel wings becuase the guy would had them had a really good heart and a protective (in a good way) quality about him. But what made me the most happy was how proud they were of their new wings, the one was even considering getting a temporary tattoo like that. It was a great part of camp, and I'm HOPING to get some pictures up.
Even when I got home I had wings on the brain. I was curious to think about what kind of wings I would want. After a while I thought about how cardinals always have had a special meaning to me. When ever I see a pair I'm comforted and that flash of bright red against the dark green of a tree is so beautiful to me. I always think of God's love when I see them. I was really excited I 'found my wings' but I didn't think I'd get any one draw them for me. I thought it would be a really neat project for me to draw a portrait of me with cardinal wings with my new drawing tablet. It's looking great so far but it's taken a few days for me to get used to it and I still have to finish it, but I should be posting stuff soon.
So what kind of wings would you have?
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