Saturday, August 27, 2011

Getting in the hang of school things...

Hey there! This week was the first week of school for many students including my self and it has been crazy busy. For one thing, right now I'm taking a break from painting back drops for our local marching band, which I'm hoping to get done really soon, it's just gonna take some work.
   Along with that it's been the usual school stuff: classes, credits, and sylibi INCLUDING a  poetry class I'm am taking at a local university which has been an experience of its self and will have to devote some blogging time to later.
   This week has been crazy busy but it has been a great kick off to my senior year, but since I'm afraid if I sit here typing too long I won't get back to work, I'll have to chat later.

Have a good one!


  1. That's great you can fit a university class into your schedule. I can't wait to read more of your poems.

  2. I LOVEEEEEEEEE Love LoVe your blog!!!! XDDDD

  3. hmmm I think I abandoned the blog lol whoops
